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7.4 / 10

Näfels is a former municipality in the canton of Glarus in Switzerland. Effective from 1 January 2011, Näfels is part of the municipality of Glarus Nord.HistoryNäfels is first mentioned in 1240 as Nevels.In 1388, the Swiss Confederates beat the Habsburgs at the Battle of Näfels, a victory that proved to be decisive in the series of Swiss-Austrian conflicts that stretched through most of the 14th Century as, in 1389, a peace treaty was signed at Vienna. Weiterlesen

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Näfels Social-Media-Popularität:
7.4 / 10
  Popularität basiert auf der Anzahl der Besucher, checkins und likes auf Facebook der letzten Monate.
Die meiste Aktivität im: April:
Näfels hat 13826 Besucher (Checkins) und 1296 Likes.